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Daily Blog Number 3

February 12, 2025


Another day, another blog. Today was an interesting day. I woke up at 5:45 AM, still a bit tired, but managed to get my kid to school. I was unsure about going to the gym, but still went. Training started a bit later, but it was a tough day. Today was “Shoulder Day” and those muscles are really sore now. However, a sweat session at the gym is somehow the best thing to uplift your mood.

Came back home, had bread and peanut butter (unsweetened), and then did the daily prayer. Also, tried to clean up my wife’s desk a bit (not sure if she has noticed it yet).

Took the standup call from home and then traveled to the office. It was medium traffic and I reached the office in about 15 minutes. Once at the office, had a double espresso with my colleague and then got to work.

It was a decent day at work and made some progress understanding the Go backend for my project. I need to fix a tricky bug, and for that I need to have a really in-depth understanding of the codebase. By the evening, I did some journaling about the day and discovered that Cursor IDE has excellent prompt files like .cursorrules. You can actually configure it on a per-project basis and it can really help streamline the process and the output from AI. As I mentioned in my past post that AI has to be an integral part of your day-to-day work, I am trying to up my game with AI.

Sometimes, I would leave projects midway because I would get demotivated by the scope of work or complexity. With good AI assistance, that’s not an issue anymore. You can tackle problems head-on while counting on AI as a reliable partner. However, I remain cautious and won’t blindly trust code written by AI, just as I wouldn’t blindly trust code written by any human colleague.

Around 5:45 PM, I wrapped up work and headed home. On the way, there’s a bridge, and I was appalled to see the sorry state of the river flowing underneath. In Pune, almost all rivers are in a sorry state. This hits close to home, as I was raised next to a river in my hometown and would go swimming there every weekend and holiday. Few people might relate to the amazing feeling of bathing in fresh river water and having fun.

The pollution is also really concerning, especially when traveling on a two-wheeler. I wear a full-covered helmet and still find it bad. I wish we as people and the government would do something about the poor air quality. At this point, it’s disheartening to think about living and investing in India when these basic necessities cannot be taken for granted.

I really hope we can work towards building a better and more positive world.

Cheers! 🤘

I’m a Principal Engineer at Scalefusion and Django CMS Fellow passionate about solving meaningful problems and pushing tech boundaries. I love reading, listening/playing music, appreciating/making art, and enjoying a good cup of coffee.

Here are some recommendations from my current and past colleagues. You can check out my latest resume and Github profile. You can connect with me on twitter at @vinitkme or drop me an email

I hope you enjoy reading my essays.

© 2025, Vinit Kumar